Barbara Morris Mon Jan
13 12:28:57 1997
BLAIR/WALLACE-Seeking any information about John M. Blair, b.
abt.1840 in VA, m. 15 Aug 1867 in Nicholas Co. Elizabeth (WALLACE)
GREEN, widow and d/o Joseph Boone WALLACE. John M. Blair was a
school teacher and taught school in 1867-68 somewhere near Mt.
Olivet in Robertson Co. He left his wife to go to VA (?) and
never returned to KY. She later married James L. LINVILLE.
*Any* information about John Blair, no matter how slight, will be
greatly appreciated. Barbara Morris wamorris@ruf.rice.edu
Coleen Scott Fri Jan 31
22:53:30 1997
Timothy J. Scott B 1817 Ky, Possible Jefferson Co, KY David Scott b. 1840
Nickolas Co, KY William W. Scott, b, 1842 Nickolas Co, Ky Mathew born ca
1847 Boone Co, In, James b ca 1848 Boone Co, Ky Lucyanna P. B 1854 Timble
Co, Ky Barton Plato, b 1855, Trimble Co, KY Anyone knowing how to get
information from Trimble co Ky.
Billie C Hunt Mon Feb 10
17:44:52 1997
Seeking Information on LINVILLE & CURTIS families in Mason, Robertson
and Nicholas counties. Lewis F. & Cordelia Murray LINVILLE were the
parents of Jeremiah (Jerry Meyer) LINVILLE & Sarah Thomas LINVILLE,
who were both born in the 1860's. Sarah married George Henry Berry T.
Bruce E. York Sun Feb 16
19:28:09 1997
YORK -- Am researching all YORKS and YORK descendants
in U.S. Am seeking other Yorks to cooperate on research
of Yorks in Kentucky. Currently have 30,500 Yorks in PAF
data base.
Larry OGDEN Thu Feb 20 11:05:48
Looking for someone who know where the Linville Farm is located at
Crocket Lane.
Judy Eaton Tue Feb 25
19:22:02 1997
Am searching for the family info on Jacob EATON who was in the Nicholas
County cencus for 1810. His last child, Elisha King, was born
in 1806 in Mason Co. The other children were Elizabeth, Mary,
Rachel, John, Elyah, Rebecca and George.
Barbara Bonham Sun Mar 2
21:59:01 1997
FARTHING,WATSON and TOWNSEND families that removed to Logan Co KY for an
upcoming WATSON study of these families with ties to Southwest Virginia.
Please visit my Web Pages and take a peek to see if your ancestor is
mentioned. Farthing Family Finders
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9515 or The Family Snitch at
Thanks and y'all stop in and have a glass of cool lemonade now.
James A. Bradford Thu
Mar 6 07:17:06 1997
I am researching the genealogy and history of the Bradford
family that lived in northern Kentucky beginning in the
late 1700's. The preliminary records I have gathered
indicate that several Bradford families lived in the area
of Pendleton, Bracken, and Bourbon counties.
I have not confirmed it yet, but I believe our lineage runs
as follows:
Name: Birth Date Birth Place
Robert Bradford abt 1730 N. Ireland?
William Bradford abt 1767 N. Ireland
William Bradford jr. 1795 Pendleton County KY
Lloyd Bradford 1833 Kentucky
Tillman Bradford 1854 Falmouth KY
Everett Bradford 1875 Kentucky
Larry OGDEN Sat Feb 15
12:23:01 1997
OGDEN, Hugh J. married Elizabeth WHITE in Harrison CO, 17 Jan 1838.
Looking for information on these two individuals.
Glenn Graf Tue Mar 11
17:35:17 1997
I'm searching for info on my ggg grandparents Asa Owens and his wife
Elizabeth (Abbott) Owens.
I know that their son Aaron Owens (8/9/1843 to 11/19/1925) made his home
in Mt. Olivet before moving to Newport in Campbell Co. where he died.
Aaron's daughter, Mary Eliza (Owens) Prebble also made her home there.
Jack A Moore Mon Mar 31
15:33:01 1997
John MOORE married Sarah CARTER in Mayfield,Mason Co on Sep 24
1802.The marriage was performed by a Methodist Minister named
Caleb Jarvis TAYLOR. Caleb CARTER posted bond with John MOORE.
Caleb CARTER was Sarah's father. I am attempting to find the
parents of John MOORE who was my GGGGrandfather. The MOORE
family moved to Champaign Co. Ohio. The children of that marriage
were Nancy b.abt 1803,James b.1804,Harvey b.1805,Sherry b.1807,
Isaac b.1811 and John Jr b.1812. John Sr was killed in 1812 in
Ohio. I have info on Harvey and John Jr. Sarah and the rest of
the family cannot be located.
I need help.
Ron Woody Thu Apr 24
05:13:54 1997
Looking for information on William White. I really need to know where
Mitchells Mills is or was located in 1900. I can not find this location
on any county maps. William White is in Mag. Dist. 4 in Mitchells Mills
in 1900 census.
Jon Hagee, Lexington, KY