B. John Taylor of Rockville, Montgomery Co. Md.
B. John L(Leeson/Leason?) Taylor, occurs in Montgomery Co. Md., born Feb. 8 1757 in __________
In April 1776, at 19, he enlisted at Baltimore Md. in the Maryland line. In the winter of 1779-80, he came to Montgomery Co. with Robert Bailey in a recruiting party. Robert introduced him to his sister Ruth. After several months they were married March 16, 1780 at Christ Episcopal church on Rock Creek, in what is now Rockville Md. by Rev. Joseph Threlkeld Protestant Episcopal minister. This church, Prince George parish or commonly Rock Creek parish, was erected 1726. At that time the parish included all the territory between the Potomac and Patuxent from Georgetown to the western end of the Province. The first Rector, Rev. George Murdock, officiated from Dec. 1726 to his death in 1761. Next was Rev. Alexander Williamson, 1761 to 1776. 3rd was Rev. Thomas Reed, previous curate, inducted 1777, until his resignation in 1811. Ruth was living there with her parents, John and Jemima Baily. She was born in Montgomery Co. Md., place unknown, August 22, 1757 {June 14th ?). Most of the early church records are missing, but son Washington was baptized there in 1798.
John's pension file states they lived near Rockville until 1798 when they moved to Bourbon Co. Ky. After 2 years, they moved to Cedar Creek near Kentontown. "John went to Kentucky first alone and built a cabin. He killed a bear and hung the skin over the cabin door and then returned to Maryland for the rest of the family". Story told by son Leeson Taylor to his grandson Francis Lisbon Taylor. Francis told Charles Watson who retold story to Jim Dempsey 5/20/1995. In 1800, the Kentontown area was part of Nicholas Co. which in 1819 became part of Harrison Co. and in 1869 became Robertson Co. Tax records state he had 100 acres of land near Cedar Creek and East fork of Licking River near to Duncan and Harding families.
John applied for a pension in 1820, aged about 66 years, case W-8-780. On Sept. 12, 1820, at Harrison Co. Circuit Court, before judge W. Warren, John stated: "In April 1776 I enlisted at Baltimore Md. for 1 year with Capt. Samuel Smith, 1st Maryland Regt., under Col. Smallwood, in the Maryland Line. In 1777 I enlisted under Capt. Winder for 3 years, same regiment, under Col. Stone. In 1778, enlisted under Capt. Winder. I was a Private Sergeant and Orderly Sergeant under Captain's Samuel Smith, Levin Winder, John Jordan under Col's Wm. Smallwood and Stone. I was at the battle of Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Brandywine siege, siege of Mud Island on the Delaware, Battle of Monmouth and wounded at Stoney Point." "Was 2d man over wall at Stoney Point and was bayoneted in the ankle. Came to Maysville" (Told to Jim Dempsey August 1967 by Taylor Cason jr. who was told by Ben. Frank. Taylor about his [B.F.] grandfather). He served until regularly discharged at Annapolis in 1782, discharge papers now lo st.
His original declaration had been made on 9/15/1818. He had not since sold any property with intention to diminish his assets to fall within limits of the 3/18/1818 Act. Property: "100 acres of 3rd rate land 2 horses 8 head of Cattle 26 Hoggs 14 Sheep 6 Chairs a Cupboard Bureau Table 2 plows 2 pair Chains Tea Kettle Pot Hammel Pot mettle worth $6.50 Cupboard furniture worth $4, no Deed for his land and debts of $40". He declared he was living with his wife, aged about 68 and daughter Mahala, who was sickly, about 30. He said that neither he, his wife nor daughter, due to age and infirmity, could contribute much to their support. Andrew Moore, clerk, estimated total property value at $ 409.50 John was pensioned for 3 years service on certificate 10,922, for $8/mo., issued May 25, 1818 and sent to Judge Trimble in Cynthiana. Issued under Congressional Act of 3/18/1818. Paid at Ky. Agency. From Thomas Kearney, Md. State auditor on 5/ 7/1819: John Taylor, Pvt., received from John Hamilton, Maryland line agent: $80 arrears for 8/1/1780 to 1/1/1782; $ 80 for 1/1/1782 to 1/1/1783; $ 43.30 for 1/1/1783 to 11/15/1783.
John applied again for a pension 2/12/1827, age 69 years. He had been dropped from the pension rolls because of the property requirement act of 5/1/1820. He stated that living with him were his wife Ruth 70, and Levi Sherley, a grandson age 8. He was poor, in reduced circumstances, could not pursue occupation as house carpenter and needed support from the government. Declared before Wm. Absury, JP, as he could not attend court due to Rheumatism and other diseases.
Five days before he died, he asked neighbor William Asbury to make his will which he did. Andrew Cameron (4/10/1790-11/9/1873), who witnessed this will, had the first store in Kentontown. He had to have goods brought in by pack mule from Cincinnati. He was born in Pennsylvania and was listed as a stonecutter in the 1850 census, living next door to Duncan Harding with his wife Anna. His grandson, Orville Cameron organized neighbors to join Confederate Army in Civil War (C.Watson).
John died in Kentontown on 5/12/1827 and is buried in Kentontown Christian Church cemetery, on US 62.
Will in Harrison Co. Vol. B. page 301 Extracts:... since not in perfect health, ... all estate to wife Ruth ... and all my children ... Witnesses: Wm. Asbury, A.M. Cameron, David Clark. Dated 5/9/1827, probated July 1827.
Ruth applied for pension as widow of a Rev. War Soldier, aged about 82, on 12/26/1838.
Benjamin Daley, Harrison Co., testified on 2/7/1838, aged about 60, at request of Ruth. "My father Brian Daley came to reside with the family near Montgomery Co. court house, now Rockville Md., in 1789 at which time the Taylors lived near Rockville. They had several children, the eldest 2 years younger than myself. John Taylor was a house carpenter and several times did work for Brian Daley. The Taylors were much respected. John Taylor had stated that he was detailed on recruiting service and statio ned at Montgomery court house as recruiting Sergeant. While there, he became acquainted with Ruth Baily and did marry her while in service. In the year 1796, Brian Daley and family moved to Ky. and finally settled in Nicholas Co. now part of Harrison Co. Ky. Shortly thereafter, Taylor came to Ky. and settled on a piece of land adjoining Brian Daly's farm where he resided until his death. Taylor was a man of honest integrity -- Brian Daly was one of the first '12 months men' raised in Maryland for the Ma ryland Line. They often mentioned Capt. Samuel, (now General Smith of Baltimore) commander of Mudd Fort. Taylor stationed there at time British attacked Mudd Fort. At no time had Taylor been worth more than $500 in cash." Witness Richard M Overbay and A.M. Cameron.
William Asbury, about 58, declared on 12/7/1838 that he had become acquainted with the Taylor's in 1803. He lived 1/2 mile from them and stated that John was never worth more than $500. Ruth held a small piece of poor land and some perishables.
Due to age and infirmity, Ruth was unable to appear in court. Ruth deposed on 6/6/1840: "After their marriage, John was not called into active service. They remained in Montgomery Co. where he pursued his occupation as House Joiner and carpenter until 1798 when they moved to Bourbon Co. for 2 years. Then to the location she now lives. She was about 83 years of age, living in Harrison Co. Until 2 years ago, she was able to keep house, but now lives with her children in Harrison Co. (with Walter in 1850 census). Mary and Jemima were dead, other 7 children still alive. Their Bible got wet and was destroyed several years ago. Her husband received pension until he had to sign affidavit stating he was worth less than $500 which he refused. He received nothing further until he died." Their children's names and birthdates are listed. These are given below with each child with reference (PF).
Mazza Bailey, Harrison Co., aged about 77, personally testified 6/12/1840, affirming Ruth's statements. She knew John Taylor before their marriage. He came to Montgomery Co. in company of Robert Baily as recruiters. Her mother was a neighbor to old W? M? Baily and familiar with them. She saw them on the day of their marriage go to the parson's house, her mother with the wedding party at W? M? Baily's the day after the marriage. Mazey has been intimate with his family from then until his death and ha ve lived the last 35 years in the neighborhood. Names of Ruth's children written in old family bible seen by her many times and read many times but the Bible has since been destroyed. Mazza gave her age as 83 in the 1850 census, Margaret, 47 (a daughter ?) living with her. [signed] Mazey an baley
Benjamin L Daly, Harrison Co., personally testified 6/12/1840 before A.M. Cameron, jpHC, aged 62, as above, plus " ... Brian Daley, early part of 1789 ... Taylor House Joiner and Carpenter ... for last 37 years has lived next to Brian Daly farm in Harrison Co. ... known them nearly 50 years ... Ruth has not remarried ... Ruth a truly pious religious woman and highly respected by all her neighbors .. he affirms Mazza Baily's statements. She, wife of Basel Baily, is the only one now liv ing who would know about the marriage. Benjamin knew Basil in Montgomery Co. and he thinks Basil and family moved to Ky. about the same time as the Taylors. They have lived here many years in the same neighbourhood."
Ruth was pensioned on Certificate 3,389 at $ 80/year to begin 3/4/1831. Claim relative to the Act of 7/4/1836, 3d section, paid at Ky. Agency. Issued 7/10/1840, sent to Hon. W.O. Butler, House of Representatives, arrears as of 9/4/1840 of $760. Records by D.M. Curdy - Clerk, Book G. Vol. 1, page 19. Harrison Co. Minute Book I, 1839-42, page 65. Ruth died on June 14, 1853 in Kentontown and is buried next to John. "Died June 13, 1853, age 96, of cholera morbus, born Md., parents John and Jemima Bailey" (Harrison Co. deaths, 1851-1860, Kentucky Hist. Soc. Register v.18 p.350)
The tax lists are about the only year-to-year record that records the Taylor family. All white males over 21 years were entered. In 1800-1819 the Kentontown area was transferred to Nicholas Co. When the county seat was moved from Ellisville to Carlisle, the Kentontown people petitioned to re-joined Harrison Co. as Cynthiana was easier to travel to. In 1867, Kentontown became part of the new Robertson Co. Land was rated 1,2 or 3. The list below shows how the tax collectors refere nced different creeks as the closest landmark for the farms. Who the land was originally granted to (entered), who had the survey done and who the land was patented to. The questions varied somewhat year to year. In 1813, Regiment and Company was recorded. In 1822, school district and school age children was asked. Only the categories which impacted the Taylors are listed here. na means this was not recorded for anyone in that year, the - means no value was entered for John.
County Tax Lists (3rd Rate) Survey White Children <16 $/ Total
Year Name Co. Acres Water course male>21 5 to 16 blacks horses acr. $ value
1800 John Leason Nich. - - - 1 voter na - - na na
1801 John Nich. - - - 1 voter na - - na na
1802 John Nich. - - - 1 voter na - - na na
1803 John Nich. - - - 1 voter na - - na na
1804,6/4 John Nich. 50 Licking - 1 voter na 1 2 na na
1805 John Nich. 50 Licking 1 wm son 16-211 1 na na
1806 Kentontown area missing
1807 John Nich. 50 [Cedar?] Munroe 1 wm son 16-211 1 na na
1808 John Nich. 50 Seder Kenton 1 wm son 16-211 1 na na
1809 John Nich. 50 L. Bever Henry & Kenton 3 na na
1810 John Sr. Nich. 50 Bronsons Run
1811 John Sen Nich. 50 Brinsons Run Henry & son 16-212 3 na na
1812 John Sen Nich. 50 Brinsons Run Henry 3 na na
1813 John Nich. 50 Licking Henry 4 13th Regt. Throckmorton co.
1814 John Nich. 50 Licking Henry 4 6 $430 13th Regt.
1815 John Nich. 50 Licking Henry son 16-213 3 6 $400 13th Regt.
1816 John Nich. 100 Licking Henry 4 4.50 $600 13th, Asberry co.
1817 illegible
1818 John Nich. 75 Ceeder Creek
1819 gone Nich.
1819 John Harr. 100(3d) Brinsons Run Henry 5 $5 $ 665
1820 missing
1821 John Harr. 100 Main Licking 2 $3 $ 470
1822 John Harr. 100 Ceeder Henry 2 $3 $ 380
1824 John Harr. 100 Ceeder Henry 2 $4 $ 500
1825 John Harr. 100 Licking 3 $2 $ 300
1827 Mrs. R Harr. 100 Ceeder Henry 1 $3 $ 340
1828 Ruth Harr. 100 Licking
1829 Ruth Harr. 100 Licking
1830 Ruth Harr. 100 Licking
1833 Ruth Harr. 100 L. Beaver
Note: son 16-21: (1)=John B., (2)= Hillery, (3)=Washington
County Tax Lists (3rd Rate) Survey White Children <16 $/ Total
Year Name Co. Acres Water course male>21 5 to 16 blacks horses acr. $ value
1835 Ruth Harr. 100 M. Licking
1836 Ruth Harr. 100 M. Licking
1837 Ruth Harr. 100 M. Licking
1838 Ruth Harr. 100 Licking
1839 Ruth Harr. 100 Licking
1840 Mrs. R Harr. 100 M. Licking
1841 Ruth Harr. 100 Licking
1843 Ruth Harr. 100 M. Licking
1844 Ruth Harr. 100 M. Licking
1846 Ruth Harr. 100 Brinson's branch $ 450
1847 Ruth Harr. 100 Fall Creek
1848 Ruth Harr. 100 Breedin Run
1850 Ruth with Walter on Greasy Creek.
Children of John and Ruth Bailey Taylor:
B1. Elizabeth Taylor, born 1/1/1781 (PF), Montgomery Co. Md., gone 1810 census. Alive 1840(PF)
an Elizabeth Taylor married John Barlow 5/30/1799 in Bourbon Co.
an Elizabeth Taylor married Alexander Allison 6/3/1805 in Nicholas Co.
+ B2. Mary Taylor, born 9/27/1782 (PF), Montgomery Co. Md., married 1801 to Joseph Ashbaugh, b 1777 in Penn.
+ B3. Jemima Taylor, born 11/5/1784 (PF) She married William Shirley in 1801 in Nicholas Co. Ky. .
+ B4. John B. Taylor, born Feb. 8, 1787 (PF) Mont. Co. Md. Married March 11 or 21, 1811 to Mary Harding.
+ B5. Lesson (PF) Taylor, born 5/4/1791 (PF) Mont. Co. Md. Mar. 1st 5/22/1818 in Bracken Co. to Elizabeth Willson.
+ B6. Hillery Taylor, born 9/22/1793(pf), died 10/25/1881. Married Malinda Alexander, b. 1/1/1799, died 8/1/1874.
+ B7. Mahala Taylor, born 11/16/1795 (PF), unmarried 1820, alive 1840, . Married Thomas Sparks.
B8. Washington Taylor, born 1/24/1798 (PF), baptized in Montgomery Co. Md., alive in the 1840 census. In Harrison Co. deeds, vol. 27, p.409, a George Washington Taylor, of Washington Co. Ky, on 6/2/1859, sells to Leason Taylor, Harrison Co., for $1, an undivided interest in 100 acres., 1/9 part, as descended to him as heir of John Taylor, dec'd. -- 11 acres more or less. He occurs once in the tax lists, 1819, with no property. His descendants, if any, have no t been traced at this time (1995).
+ B9. Walter Taylor, b. 8/22/1800 (PF), d. 11/10/1861, m. 5/28/1826 to Rachel Ashcraft, b. 9/28/1806, died 1850
Gravestones in Kentontown Christian Church cemetery. Gravestones reset by Jim Dempsey in fall of 1989 and cleaned summer of 1990. Cleaned again by Nancy Taylor North 1995 Gravestone inscriptions:
Wife of John Taylor DIED May 12, 1827 June 14, 1853 in the 96 year in his 68 year. of Her age.
See ! how the shades of death No more fatigue, no more distress come nigh ! ! Blissful shade ! where Chris Nor sin, nor death shall reach tians die ! the place They mark the path our No groan shall mingle with Savior trod; the songs Dying Saints __ to Aft which warble from immortal (rest under ground) tongues
Pension data from National Archives, Washington, Revolutionary Veteran Taylor, John, case # W 8 780; abstract at Ky. Hist. Soc. File 5 TAYLOR