Nicholas County Historical Society
101 Market St, Carlisle, KY 40311
Phone: (606)289-9135
The Nicholas County Library is located at:
223 N Broadway St, Carlisle, KY 40311-1149
Phone: (606)289-5595
Email: ncpl@kih.net
Nicholas County Clerk's Office
P.O. Box 227
Carlisle, KY 40311-0227
Telephone: (606) 289-3730
These are good photocopies of the real thing!
S-K Publications
PO Box 8173
Wichita KS 67208-0173
PHONE: (316) 685-3201
FAX: (316) 685-6650
E-mail: mailto:genie@skpub.com
Website: http://www.skcensus.com/
Query index for all KY Counties.
Large KY Genealogy Book List.
General Genealogy Resources
- Roots Surname Search!
- Ancestry Database Search
- Family Tree Maker Links
- Cindi's Huge Genealogy Lists
- Another Huge Genealogy List
- Genealogy Home
- National Genealogical Society
- Kentucky Family History Centers (LDS)
- Maps showing US Settlement progression
- Land Records, Deeds and Plats
- Census Abbreviations
- Guild of One Name Studies
- US "States" Genealogy Pages
- US "States" Online Genealogy Archives
- On-line Journal of Genetics and Genealogy
- LDS Database Search
- Lookup US address and phone numbers
- Yahoo!'s History & Genealogy Lists.
- Index to Notable Gravesites
I highly recommend:Kentucky Explorer Magazine
Editor: Charles Hayes, JrBluegrass Roots
P.O. Box 227
1248 Highway 15-N
Jackson, KY 41339.
(606) 666-5060.
Subscription is $17 per year (10 issues).
Quarterly of the Kentucky Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 153, Frankfort, KY 40602
$15 per yearKentucky Ancestors
Quarterly of the Kentucky Historical Society
P.O. Box 1792, Frankfort, KY 40602-2108
Write for subscription information.Kentucky Ancestry : A Guide to Genealogical and Historical Research
by Roseann Reinemuth Hogan Ph.D.
A must for serious or beginning KY genealogists.
Published by Salt Lake City, UT : Ancestry, c1992. $19.95.
Call 1-800-262-3787 to order from Ancestry.
Or Order Online!Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records : Abstracts of Early Wills, Deeds, and Marriages
Harry Kennett, Mrs McAdams; Paperback
About the
- In March and April, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Kentucky Comprehensive Genealogy Database. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Kentucky, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index.
At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page. My name is Jon Hagee and I'm responsible for this county. For further information about KYGenWeb contact Sherri Hall.
Visit other Kentucky GenWeb Counties
INDEX: ABOUT RESOURCES QUERIES KENTUCKY GENERAL KYGENWEB Copyright © 1996-2010; Designed and maintained by Jon Hagee.