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+JASPER, Parkinson Cemetary, Twp.29N & R5W, Barkley Twp. Kenton's grave (grave,monument)
*Elizabeth Jarboe
=BOURBON, Col.Joseph Duncan Tavern, D.A.R.Museum, Rt.68, Paris *Simon Kenton's sideboard & beds that he and Daniel Boone slept (tavern,museum, display,library,historical marker)
-BRACKEN, Simon Kenton Ambushes Indians Site 1793, Rts.8 & 2228, Poster (historical marker)
-KENTON, Simon Kenton County Courthouse, Rt.17 & Court St., Independence (courthouse,historical marker)
-KENTON, Riverside Park, Pioneer Leaders Here Site, Garrard St. & Riverside Dr., Covington *Simon Kenton Statue 1988 (statue,monument,plaque,historical marker)
-MASON, Limestone 1784, W.Third & Sutton Sts., Maysville *settled by John May & Simon Kenton (historical marker)
=MASON, Mason County Museum & Public Library, 215 Sutton St., Maysville *Simon Kenton sculpture by Jason Banbel & letter to Gen.Robert Pouge (display)
-MASON, Mason County Spy Company 1792, @ flood wall, Maysville *Simon Kenton listed (historical marker)
-MASON, Old Stone Jail Site 1796, 502 Jail St., Old Washington *Simon Kenton jailed 1819-1821 (sign)
-MASON, Orchard at Lawrence's Creek, 3164 Rt.3056, Maysville *possible location of Martha & Infant Kenton's graves,unmarked,stones of James Chandler 1825-1895 & Garby dau. W.S.& J.Brooks 1882-1886 (cemetery)
-MASON, Simon Kenton Memorial Bridge 1931, Rt.68, Maysville *aka Maysville- Aberdeen Bridge (historical marker on bridge)
-MASON, Simon Kenton Shrine 1790, Old Main St., Old Washington, *cabin/store (restored)
-MASON, Simon Kenton's Station Site 1775, Rt.10, Maysville *farm site spring on hillside behind marker,1937 house has a door & mantle from 1784 house (historical marker)
-MASON, Simon Kenton's Station Site 1775, Rt.68 & N.Shawnee Rd., Maysville (monument)
-MASON, Washington Baptist Church & Cemetary 1889, Rt.68, Old Washington *site of Limestone Baptist Church 1785,rebuilt 1980,Rev.William Wood Arthur Fox bought land from Simon Kenton (church,cemetary)
OHIO: 18
-CHAMPAIGN, Oak Dale Cemetary, Rt.54, Urbana, Urbana Twp. *Simon Kenton's grave,Simon Kenton is mentioned on Col. William Ward's grave plaque also (gravestone,monument,statue,historical markers)
-CLARK, Simon Kenton House Site, Springfield-Urbana Rd./Rt.68, Moorefield Twp. (historical plaque)
=ERIE/LORAIN, Simon Kenton Rock 1784, Ritter Public Library, 5680 Liberty Ave. Vermillion, Vermillion/Brownhelm Twps. *discovered 1936 @ Herman Rossman Farm in Darrow,moved 1965/70 (rock)
=HARDIN, Sullivan-Johnson Museum, 223 N.Main St., Kenton, Buck Twp. *Simon Kenton's blanket woven by wife Elizabeth & daughter Sarah (display)
-GREENE, Little Miami River 1780-1782, Constitution Park, Rt.725 & Main St., Spring Valley, Spring Valley Twp. *Little Miami River 1780 & 1782 Gen. George Rogers Clark's Militia guided by Simon Kenton & Daniel Boone crossed here (historical marker)
-GREENE, Old Chillicothe Site, 1575 Rt.68N, Old Town, Xenia TWP. *Simon Kenton ran gauntlet 1778 *along with other markers (stone monument)
-GREENE, Simon Kenton's Gantlet 1778 & The Bullskin Trace, Rt.68N, Old Town, Xenia Twp. *along with other markers,the trace joined Kenton's with others (historical markers)
-GREENE, Simon Kenton Trace, Rt.72 & Water St., Clifton, Miami Twp. (sign)
-GREENE, To Commemorate Pioneer Achievements & Historical Events Which Occurred Here, Reeve's Farm, 3970 Wolford Rd., Cedarville Twp. *Simon Kenton Trail listed (monument)
+LOGAN, Historic Logan County, C.R.10, Bellfontaine, Harrison Twp. *Issac Zane-Simon Kenton Monument & Simon Kenton Grave listed (historical marker)
+LOGAN, Issac Zane-Simon Kenton Monument, Rd.5/Bristol Ridge Pk. & C.R.153, Zanesfield, Jefferson Twp. (monument)
+LOGAN, Mack-A-Cheek Town, Rts.47 & 245, Monroe Twp. *Simon Kenton ran gauntlet 1778,Squaw Rock is 100 yds. north (historical marker)
+LOGAN, Mt. Tabor Church *where Simon Kenton attended (church) -LOGAN, Zane-Shawnee Caverns, Rt.540, Jefferson Twp. *Simon Kenton cabin (replica)
-LOGAN, Helen Wonders Blue Memorial Park, Rd.5/Bristol Ridge Pk. & Sandusky St., Zanesfield, Jefferson Twp. *Simon Kenton cabin 1818-1828,moved (restored)
-LOGAN, Simon Kenton House Site 1819-1828 & Stone Barn 1819, 4746 C.R.153/ Coulmbus Rd., Zanesfield, Jefferson Twp. *barn built of stone from nearby British fort (historical marker,barn)
-LOGAN, Parkinson Farm, Rt.533, New Jerusalem, Jefferson Twp. *Simon Kenton's original grave 1836 & cabin cornerstone (historical plaque,cabin stone)
+LOGAN, Wapatomica, Rds.5 & 9, Jefferson Twp. *Simon Kenton ran gauntlet 1778 (historical marker)
+PRINCE WILLIAM, Simon Kenton's Birthplace Site 1755, Rts.234 & 15, Hopewell Gap (historical marker)
MARKERS NOW GONE: 3 (not in total)
+LOGAN CO., OHIO: Shawnee Vilage Old Town, Stony Creek, Pleasant/Miami/ Union Twp. *1806 Indian uprising averted by Simon Kenton (historical marker)
+LOGAN CO., OHIO: Simon Kenton's Farm, Rds.2,5,& 25, Jefferson Twp. *2 miles north was last home & farm (historical marker)
+LOGAN CO., OHIO: Solomon Town, Rt.39, McArthur/Richlan Twp. *Simon Girty's headquarters, where Simon Kenton was brought in 1778 after Girty saved his life (historical marker (side 1) (side 2))
An updated text file of Kenton sites until I can integrate the new ones into the web site:
Please let us know if we've missed any. Contact Larry at