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Kentucky Rev. War Pensions
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John Conway
Posted by bwf <> on Sun, 17 Jan 1999
State of Kentucky, County of Nicholas.
On the 13th day of February 1834 personally appeared before me, John McClintock, one of the Justices of the County Court in and for the County of Nicholas, aforesaid, John Conway, a resident of the said county of Nicholas and State of Kentucky, aged 75 years on the 10th day of August last, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he ent
ered the service of the United States under the following named officer and served as herein stated: That in the month of April or May 1776, he entered the service as an enlisted soldier in the company commanded by Captain James Newell and was marched to Cheyels?
lead mines in Montgomery County, Virginia
to guard said mines against the Tories and Indians and served out the full term of 6 months, the period for which he enlisted and was honorably discharged at said mines in Montgomery County, Va. And that he
again entered the service for the term of 18 months in the month of May 1777 as an enlisted soldier under Captain William Buchannon, Col. John Bowman, and was marched to Boonesboro in the State of Kentucky where he served out the above term of 18 months, guarding ____, during which term the British and Indians besieged the said fort for nine days and nights; when they abandoned the siege Capt. Boone was there as one of the commanders. He further states that after his discharge at Boonesboro, he still remai
ned in Kentucky and in April 1779 he went with Captain Isaac Ruddle and settled Ruddle's Station on the south fork of Licking River and continued then acting as a guard and Indian spy for Ruddle's Station until the 24th of June 1780, when after a severe battle with the British and Indians we were compelled to surrender, the British being about 300 and the Indians about 700 strong and armed with artillery; that he was marched by the British and Indians, with the other prisoners they had taken at Ruddle's and
Martin's Stations to Detroit, and was kept there as a prisoner until the fall of 1784. When he was liberated, he returned to Kentucky. And he further states that in the fall of 1787 he volunteered in the company of Captain William _____, Benjamin Logan's Campaign against the Piqua town of Indians on the head of Mad River in the State of Ohio, that they fought the Indians, defeated them, and took some prisoners, and this campaign he served the period of 50 or 60 days. He further states that he lost his disc
harge when taken prisoner by the Indians who robbed him of everything. He states that he has not any documenting evidence of his services, nor does he know of any person living by whom he could prove his service, except his brother Jesse, who if living, resides in the State of Illinois. He hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension annunity except the present and declares that his name if not on the pension roll of any agency in any state.State of Kentucky, County of Harrison.
On this day personally
appeared before me, Joseph Boyd, one of the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Harrison, aforesaid, Ann Mary Spears, aged 72 years, who being duly sworn according to law, on her oath states that she was living in Captain Isaac Ruddle's Station when it was taken by the British and Indians on the 24th day of June 1780 and was together with John Conway taken prisoners by them, and carried to Detroit, where the said Conway and herself were kept as prisoners until the first day of June 1784 when
they were liberated. Subscribed and sworn to on the 24th day of April 1834. Ann Mary (X) Spears.
I, the said Judstice, do certify that the said Ann Mary Spears is respectable and that her statement is entitled to credit. Given under my hand the day and date above written. Joseph Boyd, JPHC
State of Kentucky, County of Bourbon
On this day personally appeared before me, William Barton, one of the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Bourbon aforesaid, Robert M. Daniel, aged 74 years and
John Layle (John Layle crossed out) who being duly sworn according to law, on their (their crossed out) his oath state they (they crossed out) he was living in Captain Isaac Ruddle's Station when he was taken by the British and Indians on the 24th day of June 1780 and was together with John Conway taken prisoner by them and carried to Detroit, where the said Conway and himself were kept as prisoners until the month of October 1782 when they were (they were crossed out) he was liberated. Subscribed and sworn
to on the 23rd day of April 1834. Robert M. (X) Daniel.
Military History of John Conway
Engaged in campaign against the Piqua town of Indians
Resident of soldier at enlistment: Montgomery County, Va.
Date of application for pension: February 13, 1834
Residence at date of application: Nicholas County, Ky.
Age at date of application: born August 10, 1758, Henrico County, Va.
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